Saturday, April 10, 2010

url chinese Hulu Selangor: Chinese school in Rasa given additional land but Tamil schools on prime land have to relocate

 url chinese
As part of the Hulu Selangor political gimmick wayang kulit the Selangor “Tuan” Menteri Besar makes a grand announcement that Tamil schools and Hindu temple issues would be resolved.”
But for the SJK(C) Rasa in Kuala Selangor, it has been given more land for a field to hold school activities.
“We hope certain individuals will not dig up this issues as the matter has been resolved,” he (MB) said.
Sure, great. But where is the land to Tamil schools?
When it comes to the economically powerful and with substantial political clout, PKR would bow down. This is not the first time an adjacent land has been given to a Chinese school by PKR in Selangor.
But when it comes to Tamil schools sitting on especially lucrative land they are forced to relocate to another backwater piece of land while the PKR, DAP and PAS leaders their cronies make their millions.
PKR, DAP and PAS brought the change the promised in the 2008 General Elections?
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

hulu selangor chinese